Jed snapshots RPMs for Fedora Core

Well, Jed has always been a rock-solid editor: I used it intensively for years, and I have never seen a single crash.
This is true also for the snapshots John releases sometimes. As the road to a 0.99.18 version of Jed seems still long, and people needs an utf-8 enabled editor, I have built RPMs for SLang 2 and Jed B0.99-17.111.

The slang package is named 'slang2', and also the library is called 'libslang2', so it can coexists nicely with the standard slang-1.4.9 package.
This should also enable to have both slang-devel and slang2-devel packages installed together.
This also avoids problems with yum: it doesn't work well if you have more than 1 version of the same package installed.

Note!: If you have my old 'slang-2.0.4' packages, to be able to upgrade to the new packages, you should remove jed, jed-common, jed-xjed, slang-2.0.4 and slang-devel-2.0.4, and then install the new versions. This is because of the slang package rename. Futher updates should work seamlessly.

The packages are built for i386 and x86_64.
Source packages can be found here.

The packages are signed. The signature is here:RPM-SAURUS-GPG-KEY.
You need to install the signature to be able to check the packages. Do a:

rpm --import
Or you can download it and import locally.

You can use yum to install, and keep up-to-date, these packages: you need add a file to your /etc/yum.repos.d like that:

name=Fedora Core $releasever - $basearch - Saurus
and then do:
yum --enablerepo=saurus install jed
If you have problems with these packages, don't esitate to contact me at